Announcing “Flames of Deceron”

A simple strategy game called Flames of Deceron is the latest project I’m working on. It’s set in the same world as Blades of Deceron and will be a prequel to the events of that game. You’ll be able to play the campaigns of the four major factions: The Holy Empire of Azivnia, The Kingdom […]
Blades of Deceron Beta (Android)

That’s right, everyone! The Blades of Deceron Beta is finally here. Join the Beta (Android) The game is still in early stages, and there are bound to be bugs as well as uncooked features and mechanics. So just keep in mind that many things are far from done. Still, don’t shy away from flooding the […]
New Merch Store!

Gladihoppers Turns Five! The five year anniversary of Gladihoppers is coming up and I’ve decided to take this opportunity to open up a merch store. So if you’re in the mood to buy some overpriced Gladihoppers merchandise then you’ve come to the right place! Visit the Merch Store I will most likely release some new […]